What is? This software was made to show how ECC can be implemented with academical purposes, the target is to make a full library, the status of this is just a demo showing en encryption and decryption process using Elgamal over ECC with a finite group of characteristic p with p elements using Sophie Germain prime. of 192 bits. What is in this distribution? Light Elliptic Curve routines (LECC 0.2) Elgamal routines 0.1 using LECC 0.2 LightMP library for computing big numbers 0.3 (bad performance for now) How to build? use compile.sh to build TODO Implement LIGHTMP to work with 64 bit integers, clean de code and add more comments. Who made it? Eduardo Ruiz Duarte If you are interested or want to do comments use this email: beck@math.co.ro pseudo-license This source is free you can do whatever you want with it. Just preserve the name of the author in the source files, all files and this file in the distribution